TGG007: Let's talk morning routines

FOCUS OF THE WEEK: Morning Routines


  • I believe that if you win the morning, you win the day. Morning routine simply refers to a predictable boot-up sequence that produces an ideal day for you. 

  • The topic of morning routines has grown popular in recent years, fueled by millennial obsession over "self-improvement" and stories of successful CEOs with ambitious AM rituals. 

  • The idea that routines are linked to success is hardly new; many greats like Leo Tolstoy noted their importance: “I must write each day without fail, not so much for the success of the work, as in order not to get out of my routine.”

  • Whether you run 10 miles at sunrise or you barrel out the door with Rx bar in hand, we can all stand to consider small morning tweaks that make big differences.  

Digging In  

Raise your hand if you spend your mornings getting out of bed as late as possible, before racing out the door to make it to work on time. Let's think about that: the goal of the morning is to not be late. Will that grant you a day filled with productivity and peace of mind? Imagine if instead, you followed a set of steps designed to set you up for an optimal day. Curious about what habits really make a difference, I explored the routines of successful people from all different fields. While there's no one-size-fits-all approach, there are some common patterns in the routines of top performers:  

Hit the Hay
Get good sleep and get enough of it. The average wake-up time for successful folks is 6:27 a.m., but you should play around and find a time that's best for you. What's important is that you give yourself enough space for a fulfilling morning. Most people need 7 to 9 hoursof sleep, so you may need to hop in bed a bit earlier at night. Trouble getting Zzzz's? Dr. Phyllis Zee, professor of neurology at Northwestern, suggests listening to pink noise for deeper sleep and stronger memories.  

When in Doubt, Write it Out 
From Mark Twain to George Lucas, many great thinkers keep daily journals. Why write after waking? Author Julia Cameron explains, “Once we get those muddy, maddening, confusing thoughts [nebulous worries, jitters, and preoccupations] on the page, we face our day with clearer eyes.” Whether you're solving a problem or spilling random thoughts, spending a few minutes writing each morning creates the internal clarity you need to win the day. 

“We are what we think, having become what we thought,” reads ancient Buddhist text. Meditation has become one of those things most of us know is good for us but have no idea where to begin. Incorporating a few minutes of meditation, or maybe guided meditation with the help of an app, can help unlock the stress resilience, focus, and connection mindfulness holds. Through meditation, we free ourselves from being at the mercy of our immediate reactions. 

You Do You 
Figure out what energizes you and carve out time for it. If you're like Marie Kondo and myself, maybe you enjoy opening the windows and letting fresh air in each morning. Whether it's setting an intention for the day or calling someone you love, incorporating that which makes you feel relaxed or motivated will set the tone for the rest of the day.

Be Flexible
Make sure your routine is adaptable for times when you're away from home. For me, that looks like finding a nearby running path when I don't have access to a gym. And if you miss a day of your routine? Cut yourself some slack. Even top performers occasionally miss a day or two. “I give myself a break and take the longer view of what’s happening,” says Kevin Cleary, CEO of Clif Bar & Company. “If I can’t do my workout later in the day, I’ll tell myself I’ll just pick it up tomorrow or the next day. Six months from now, my body or I won’t know that I missed a day.”

Your Turn!
Here's a 5-step morning routine to try out this week. 
1) Put your phone on airplane mode before bed to ensure a distraction-free routine. 
2) Make your bed right when you wake up. No matter what happens that day, you'll have accomplished one thing. That small piece of pride will encourage you to accomplish another task (and another..).
3) Do 15 pushups. This isn't a workout; it's intended to get your body into a 'prime state' and awaken you from head to toe. 
4) Set an intention for the day. This could be deciding to lead by example, or choosing to make someone smile. 
5) Spend three minutes meditating. 

Love your morning ritual? Tell me all about it!