EATS: Explaining Kefir

What is Kefir?
I'm obsessed with gut health. But with more and more products claiming to support a healthy microbiome, it's hard to know which we can trust. The good news: kefir is one of a number of fermented foods that's a tried-and-true friend of the gut. So what the heck is it?

  • According to Mayo Clinic, kefir is "a fermented milk made from a variety of yeasts and bacteria."

  • It's kind of like a drinkable Greek yogurt that contains 30 or more probiotic species.

  • Probi-what? Probiotics help with digestion, boost immune function, and decrease inflammation.

  • Where can I find it? I buy at Trader Joe's, but you can find kefir at most farmers markets and grocery stores.

  • How do I eat it? Drink one cup of kefir a day. I like stirring a little cinnamon into mine or throwing it in a smoothie.

EatsKathryn Vigilante