EATS: Don't knock going meatless

I stopped eating meat in August of 2018. I love me a good pulled pork sandwich so I'll likely return to my carnivorous ways eventually. But I reached the point where I knew too much. I learned it takes about 660 gallons of water to produce a hamburger. I learned how antibiotic-resistant diseases caused by the agriculture industry's overuse of antibiotics contributes to the deaths of over 20,000 Americans every year.  


Pro Tips: 

- Stay informed. I'm not suggesting you stop eating meat. What I am saying is that ignorance is a dangerous weapon and we can all benefit from paying attention to what we're putting in our bodies. Do your part by reading up on articles from sources like National Geographic  and The New York Times  about the food we eat.

- Don't knock it till ya try it...  Why not try out that vegan breakfast burrito at your favorite coffee shop? What's the harm in seeing whether that vegan taco salad is worthy of its reputation? Friends, this week I challenge you to expand your plant based horizons and order or cook one meatless meal. 

EatsKathryn Vigilante